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Why I Chose Gen Z

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A short answer would be, ‘Because I love Gen Z’. Look…I am a gen Z myself. Why would I therefore talk about any other generation apart from my own?

When it comes to generational evolution, generation Z has stood out to be one of the most interesting generation to talk about. Every thing about them is absolutely distinct from the rest. Their lifestyle, their economy, their social life, everything. While the evolution of time is attributed to this distinction, the exact events during these evolution is to account for.

While a lot has been written about this young generation, my focus on generation Z is a little bit different. Gen Z has been known to be the most blessed generation, but also the one with most problems. Blessed in that it has been the one generation that has benefited from almost all the greatest breakthroughs of the planet. Except that these same breakthroughs is breaking them and exposing them to more inward threats. Let’s talk about the blessings first.

Generation Z Economy and Lifestyle

Gen Z has been born in times of technological breakthroughs and advancements. This is why the generation is also called ‘The Digital Natives’. A random gen Z is exposed to tech from an early age of 1. Given this early exposure to tech, the generation therefore has the benefit of adopting tech and advancement into their lives growing up. Which will therefore make their lives easier (that’s the purpose of tech).

Generation Z economy is different from the other generations. Due to advancements of tech, their economy is more driven by tech innovations rather than human involvements. The generation Z therefore prefers having their most burdens levied by tech robots and machines, while they do the minimum. This is probably why they are most of the times viewed as a lazy generation by the preceding generations.

Generation Z Struggles

The exposure to tech however has imposed more threats to generation Z than all other generations. Most of the times, their obsession with tech causes them mental problems. Which in most cases, result into societal headaches. It’s therefore with this reason that this is considered to be one of the generations with the most societal and health problems.

The constant growth of social media is one area which is openly coming out as a problem to generation Z. Their addiction to social media and inability to balance between their lives and social media, has led generation Z to more problems. Mental health, drug addictions, sex addiction, are some of the conspicuous challenges generation Z are struggling with in their growth.

Generation Z Growth

Being a generation with the most blessings and equally most problems, generation Z have to find ways to live through. They definitely need action insights on what they can do to balance their lives.

It’s with this reason that I have dedicated a section on my website, to talk about generation Z growth. I believe that, being a generation Z, incorporating my knowledge and knowledge from the public to address some of the issues generation Z are facing, would be necessary. I will also bring this out in a way that speaks to me too, as part of the generation.

To get a glimpse of some of the generation Z concerns, I recommend the following articles:

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