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Why You Should Consider Personal Development

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When I look around the internet and media Today, I see a lot of people asking questions on how they can improve their life, how they can get better on this and that area of their life…And generally how they can be better versions of themselves. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. We are living in a fast growing world, and everything is growing and moving so fast. And therefore, even the living beings have to grow and develop so fast, including you. In the environment that we are living in right now, the one thing that can make you live a happy life for the most part of your living years, is called personal development. If you can learn how to do it Today, it is one of the greatest investment you can ever make to yourself.

Here is the Thing…

Every one of us, at one point of our life, gets the feeling of being stuck in life. You feel like your life sucks, and you don’t look to be going somewhere. I have found myself in this situation most of the times, and that is what led me to actually take the step of taking track of my own life. And I thought the best way will be to document my successes and struggles throughout this wide journey. So, when I was starting this blog and website, I gave it a priority to include this topic. And I didn’t do this just for myself, but to also share with you what it feels like to go through the whole journey of building a better version of yourself.

I know most of you, especially my generation, are struggling with this too as you are working on improving in different areas of your lives. And sometimes you find yourself not knowing exactly what to do. While there is not really an exact curriculum for personal development, my goal is to share with you tips on how to take control of your life, being responsible for your own life and taking actions towards living a happy life.

How Do You Really Take Control of Your Life?

Most people live their life without taking part on how they are living it. They live according to how they have seen other people live, and how they found the society operating. These people most of the times live according to how the society has programmed them to live. How happy or unhappy they are going to be, is all dependent on what the society dictates for them. In short, these type of people are victims of the society, instead of being players of their own lives.

If you are reading this article and this line, I believe you don’t want to be a victim in your own life. It is not a good idea for you at any instance. Instead, what you want is being a player in your life. That is the only good favor you can do to yourself for a fair life. ‘But how do you exactly take control of your life,’ you might be asking. Well, this means you are aware of how your life is like right now, what life you want in the future, and how you can actually live it. Most of the times you will not immediately get the exact life, but at least you should be consistently working towards achieving your ideal life. A great way to do this, is to always put yourself in the mindset that will take you to your desired life. If living a happy life is what you want, this means you are actually doing the things that make you physically, mentally and spiritually happy.

To give you a glimpse of what it looks like to start taking control of your life, I wrote some articles from my own experiences, and I recommend you to check them out:

  • My Reflection on 2021 – Learn some of the actions I took in 2021 when I first started being mindful of my own life.

It Takes Actions to Live Your Desired Life

Living your desired life takes actions. Sometimes this might be non-tangible actions. Other times however, it might take actually feeling the cost of living your desired life. The moment I noticed my life is not going where I want it to go, here are some of the actions I took:

Be Responsible for Your Own Life

I will tell you one thing that you probably do not ‘like’ to be told (and I love to tell you): If your life sucks, own it. It is your own fault. This is your number one step to being a player in your life. A lot of the times, most people blame on their friends for why they are not happy. They blame their family for putting them into a career path they did not want. They blame their friends for their current body shape. If you want to be happy with yourself, you do not want to be in this category of people. Own your life. Whatever happens with it is all on you and nobody else. That is the only key to growth and development. And that is what will open you to a ton of opportunities to living a fulfilled, happy and optimized life.

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